A few years ago, I realized that I was thinking about dental care all wrong. Instead of listening carefully to my dentist and making the necessary changes, I assumed that he was ultimately responsible for making sure that my teeth stayed healthy. Unfortunately, I developed a few serious cavities because I failed to properly brush and floss my teeth, and I knew that it was my fault. I decided to start taking notes at my dental checkups and carefully abiding by the dentist's orders. The difference was almost miraculous. This blog is all about working with your dentist to improve your result.
8 February 2019
Your first goal of getting braces for your child might be to address the misalignment of several of his or her teeth, but you'll be happy to know that orthodontic work can also correct bite problems. For example, if the child has a significant underbite, the orthodontist may recommend the use of braces to correct this issue, even if the teeth aren't overly crooked. While there might be a part of your child that would rather skip getting braces and just accept the underbite, he or she possibly aren't aware of the future issues that he or she may deal with because of it.
10 January 2019
The appearance of your smile is important for a number of reasons. If you're happy with the way your teeth look, you'll feel more self-confident and that can affect your life in a number of ways. Just like you want to present a professional or attractive appearance with the clothing you wear, you want attractive teeth since they're the first thing people see when you speak. If you don't like the appearance of your teeth, a cosmetic dentist might be able to help in some of the following ways.
13 December 2018
Have you been told that you'll need to have multiple teeth extracted? Hearing those words coming from a dentist can cause immediate anxiety. The fear of the procedure, knowing that when you leave the dentist's chair that day, that you won't have the teeth that you went in with – it's all scary and is something that so many people will continue to put off for years until they suffer so much pain from the decaying teeth that they have no choice but to have emergency procedures performed.
6 November 2018
If you ever feel like your teeth are overly sensitive, you should talk to your dentist about this issue at your next visit. Living with overly sensitive teeth can be painful and annoying, but there might be some options for you that will help you decrease the sensitivity you feel. If you have this problem, here are three good questions to ask your dentist during your dental exam. What causes teeth to experience major sensitivity?
13 October 2018
Wearing braces for many months or years is often what it takes to obtain straight teeth and a better bite, and eventually, the day will come when you get your adult braces off. If you are preparing to go to your final visit for your braces, you might want to find out what exactly will happen while they are removing your braces. If so, here are several things you should expect at this appointment.