A few years ago, I realized that I was thinking about dental care all wrong. Instead of listening carefully to my dentist and making the necessary changes, I assumed that he was ultimately responsible for making sure that my teeth stayed healthy. Unfortunately, I developed a few serious cavities because I failed to properly brush and floss my teeth, and I knew that it was my fault. I decided to start taking notes at my dental checkups and carefully abiding by the dentist's orders. The difference was almost miraculous. This blog is all about working with your dentist to improve your result.
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Your first goal of getting braces for your child might be to address the misalignment of several of his or her teeth, but you'll be happy to know that orthodontic work can also correct bite problems. For example, if the child has a significant underbite, the orthodontist may recommend the use of braces to correct this issue, even if the teeth aren't overly crooked. While there might be a part of your child that would rather skip getting braces and just accept the underbite, he or she possibly aren't aware of the future issues that he or she may deal with because of it. Here are some issues that wearing braces can help to correct.
Tooth Grinding
If your child has bite problems, he or she may be more predisposed to teeth grinding. For example, in the case of a serious underbite, your upper and lower jaws may not close evenly, and this can cause you to grind certain teeth. Many people grind their teeth out of habit or for different medical reasons, but if your bite causes certain teeth to press against one another, grinding may come very easy for you. Tooth grinding can not only affect the health of your child's teeth but can also lead to issues such as jaw pain and headaches. When your child gets braces to correct your bite, he or she will be less apt to tooth grind.
Eating Challenges
In the case of a severe underbite, your child may even notice problems while eating food. For example, upper and lower teeth are designed to clench down on each other in a consistent manner. If the lower teeth are pushed too far forward because of an underbite, the teeth won't meet in the desired manner. This could make it difficult for you to deal with foods that require a lot of chewing. Over time, such a scenario can limit your enjoyment of eating, as it may take longer and potentially be more tiring to your jaw than you'd like.
Visual And Speech Issues
People who have severe underbites can sometimes feel embarrassed by this part of their appearance. For example, your child might feel self-conscious about his or her lower jaw protruding past the upper jaw, and be especially concerned about being seen from the side. The child may, as a result, constantly attempt to turn his or her body so that people don't see him or her from this angle. Similarly, an underbite could lead to speech issues that could create embarrassment. Fortunately, braces for kids to correct the bite can eliminate each of these problems for your child.