Working With My Dentist
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Working With My Dentist

A few years ago, I realized that I was thinking about dental care all wrong. Instead of listening carefully to my dentist and making the necessary changes, I assumed that he was ultimately responsible for making sure that my teeth stayed healthy. Unfortunately, I developed a few serious cavities because I failed to properly brush and floss my teeth, and I knew that it was my fault. I decided to start taking notes at my dental checkups and carefully abiding by the dentist's orders. The difference was almost miraculous. This blog is all about working with your dentist to improve your result.

Working With My Dentist

  • 5 Ways App Downloads Can Assist Your Progress With Clear Braces

    14 December 2015

    Braces have been around for many decades, but technology has dramatically improved the way they form and help transform your smile. At the dentist office, digital x-rays and equipment can give you form fitting clear braces and retainers. At home, technology can also be used to guide you through the whole process. Getting braces brings on a lot of changes in your life and you can go through the journey a lot easier with the assistance of app downloads.

  • 4 Things Lupus Sufferers Need To Know About Candidiasis

    12 December 2015

    You're probably already aware of the many complications that lupus can cause throughout your body, but you may not know that the medications you take to control it can also cause issues. Lupus medications may lead to oral health complications like candidiasis, also called oral thrush or an oral yeast infection. Here are four things lupus sufferers need to know about candidiasis. How does lupus cause candidiasis? Lupus on its own isn't responsible for causing candidiasis; the problem is the medications that are often used to treat lupus.

  • 5 Reasons A Dental Implant Is The Best Choice For Your Missing Teeth

    12 December 2015

    If you have missing teeth, you know how embarrassing it can be to smile. However, thanks to advancements in cosmetic dentistry, you don't have to hide your smile any longer. There are many ways to replace your missing teeth, but dental implants are the best choice you can make. If you aren't sure about dental implants, check out these five facts that will show you why dental implants are the best choice possible.

  • 5 Reasons To Choose A Dental Bridge Instead Of An Implant If You're A Cancer Survivor

    11 December 2015

    Cancer and the treatments for it have wide-ranging effects on the body, and treatments administered to practically any part of the body change the environment in the mouth. If you received chemotherapy and radiation in order to shrink and destroy tumors, you'll need to make careful choices when deciding how to fill in the gap left by missing teeth. A dental bridge will likely work better than a jaw-anchored implant for the following five reasons.

  • Why Are You Being Referred To A Dental Specialist?

    11 December 2015

    If you've been going to the same dentist for several years now, you might be surprised if he or she refers you to see a dental specialist. After all, your dentist has been doing your cleanings, filling your cavities and placing your crowns for years now -- so what has changed? It's important to understand that being referred to a dental specialist does not mean that your dentist is lacking any skills or not wanting to provide you with personal care.