Working With My Dentist
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Working With My Dentist

A few years ago, I realized that I was thinking about dental care all wrong. Instead of listening carefully to my dentist and making the necessary changes, I assumed that he was ultimately responsible for making sure that my teeth stayed healthy. Unfortunately, I developed a few serious cavities because I failed to properly brush and floss my teeth, and I knew that it was my fault. I decided to start taking notes at my dental checkups and carefully abiding by the dentist's orders. The difference was almost miraculous. This blog is all about working with your dentist to improve your result.

Working With My Dentist

Dental Health Issues From A Missing Tooth

Siiri Puro

Until a problem develops in one of your teeth, you may give little consideration to your oral health. Nevertheless, the proper maintenance of your teeth through brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits is important. 

When your mouth is not cleaned regularly, the number of oral bacteria that it contains can sharply increase. As a result, the acids that are released by the microbes may cause decay and gum disease. When dental decay and periodontal disease become severe, they can cause tooth loss. A permanent tooth that has been lost should be replaced as soon as possible to prevent additional oral health problems. 

Nowadays, there are many tooth-replacement options available, including dental implants and dental bridges. Still, many people forgo the replacement of a lost tooth, feeling that a replacement is unnecessary. Yet, a prompt replacement may be the only way to avoid multiple dental health concerns. 

Here are a few issues that can arise from a missing tooth.

Dental Misalignments

Each tooth in your mouth is a place-holder, preventing nearby teeth from shifting out of position. Once a tooth is lost, adjacent teeth have enough additional space to shift from their normal position, resulting in a dental misalignment. After your teeth have shifted, even if you eventually have a missing tooth replaced, braces or other orthodontic treatments may be necessary to realign your teeth. 

Jawbone Atrophy

In addition to being place-keepers, your teeth are jawbone stimulators. Each tooth transfers bite pressure through its roots to the jawbone as you chew or bite. The transferred pressure stimulates the jawbone's production of new bone cells.

Without the proper stimulation, fewer bone cells are produced and the jawbone atrophies or shrinks. Since the jawbones help support the soft tissues of the face, this shrinkage can dramatically change your appearance, leaving you with an aged, tired look.

Poor Mastication 

The proper digestion of your food is partially dependent on the mechanical breakdown of ingested items that occur in the mouth. The teeth grind and tear your food into small particles that can be more easily swallowed and digested. 

However, when a tooth is lost, depending on its previous location in the mouth, the loss can hamper your ability to chew your food thoroughly. Indigestion and nutritional deficits can result from poor mastication.

If you have lost a tooth, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area. The dental professional can advise you of the tooth-replacement options that are most suitable for you. For more information, contact local professionals or visit sites like
