Working With My Dentist
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Working With My Dentist

A few years ago, I realized that I was thinking about dental care all wrong. Instead of listening carefully to my dentist and making the necessary changes, I assumed that he was ultimately responsible for making sure that my teeth stayed healthy. Unfortunately, I developed a few serious cavities because I failed to properly brush and floss my teeth, and I knew that it was my fault. I decided to start taking notes at my dental checkups and carefully abiding by the dentist's orders. The difference was almost miraculous. This blog is all about working with your dentist to improve your result.

Working With My Dentist

The Five Basic Steps To Flossing With Braces

Siiri Puro

Wearing braces can be definitely be inconvenient at times, however, it is well worth it in the end. Plus, with some tips, you can easily avoid the most inconvenient problems continuously being inconvenient. This includes flossing. Here are the five basic steps to flossing with braces that will definitely make it easier and more effective, as well:

  1. Purchase the Right Tools: With a couple of the right tools, the process of flossing with braces is going to be much easier right from the start. This includes a floss threader that will allow you to thread the floss under the wire of your braces. You also want to use the right floss. Floss that is thin and wax-coated is going to be easier to maneuver in the mouth when you have braces because it's less likely this kind of floss will get stuck in the brackets. 
  2. Rinse the Mouth: The first thing you want to do is rinse the mouth completely with water. You don't have to use any kind of special mouthwash since water can simply do the trick to remove loose food particles. This is going to allow the floss to get down to the areas it really needs to without the loose food particles getting in the way. 
  3. Brush Your Teeth: Next, you want to brush your teeth and the brackets of your braces completely. This is going to remove food particles that are stuck in these areas but can easily be removed by brushing. Don't forget to brush circular around each bracket since this is where food particles easily become stuck. 
  4. Floss Accessible Teeth: If you don't have full braces, which means that some of your teeth are easily accessible for flossing, you will want to floss these areas as usual first. This way, you save more the more complicated process of flossing for later. 
  5. Floss Through the Wire: Finally, you will want to string the floss through the wires in order to get between each tooth. If threading the floss is challenging for you, you can purchase a floss threader that can help you. 

These are the five basic steps for general flossing while you have braces. Be sure that if you have any accessories for your braces, such as rubber bands, these are removed first before you begin the flossing process. If you are still having trouble with flossing, be sure to talk with a cosmetic dentist about it. They may have specific techniques that will work better for you. 
