A few years ago, I realized that I was thinking about dental care all wrong. Instead of listening carefully to my dentist and making the necessary changes, I assumed that he was ultimately responsible for making sure that my teeth stayed healthy. Unfortunately, I developed a few serious cavities because I failed to properly brush and floss my teeth, and I knew that it was my fault. I decided to start taking notes at my dental checkups and carefully abiding by the dentist's orders. The difference was almost miraculous. This blog is all about working with your dentist to improve your result.
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If you're over 40 years of age and want to correct your teeth with braces, you may wonder if your jawbones are strong enough to support them. Your concerns about your jawbones are valid. When you turn 30 years of age, your body stops making new bone tissue and begins to absorb it instead. Because orthodontic braces require strong bone tissue to work properly, it's important that you take steps to improve the health of your jawbones now. Here are things to know about your bones and tips you can use to strengthen them.
What Happens If You Lose Too Much Bone Tissue in Your Jaws?
Although the loss of bone tissue is a part of the aging process for men and women, it can be problematic if it occurs too fast or too much. In many cases, losing too much bone tissue can lead to osteoporosis, or weak and brittle bones. If your doctor previously diagnosed you with osteoporosis, it's essential that you speak to your dentist about your orthodontic treatment right away.
Your dentist may have other orthodontic appliances you can wear, such as aligners, that won't place too much stress on your jawbones. Aligners are easier to wear because you can remove them at certain times of the day, such as at mealtime or on a schedule developed by your dentist. The breaks give your jaws a chance to rest.
In addition, aligners may move your teeth faster than regular braces, because they don't require separate pieces to support them during the movement. You may find this option better for you if you have osteoporosis. However, it's a good idea that you discuss your options with your dentist before making a decision.
But if you don't have osteoporosis, you can begin the process of strengthening your jaws for regular metal or clear braces.
How Can You Make Your Jawbones Stronger?
Clear and metal braces use thin wires to move your teeth in place. To do so, the wires create tension on your teeth and jaws. It's a good idea that you consume plenty of calcium and vitamin D each day to strengthen your jaws. For instance, you may wish to drink more than the recommended servings of low-fat milk throughout the day. Your orthodontist may prescribe calcium supplements to help you accomplish your goals.
You can also get enough calcium and other bone-building nutrients in your diet by eating tofu. Tofu is easy to eat before and after you get braces because it has a soft texture. Tofu is versatile enough to mix with other foods that contain calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. The list includes almonds, bok choy, broccoli, and kale.
Here's a quick and easy recipe you make with the items listed above:
You can eat the dish several times a week for the best benefits. You can always ask a dentist from a clinic like All About Smiles Incorporated for more tips on how to obtain more bone-building nutrients in your diet.
For more information about bone loss and braces, contact your orthodontist today.